e-Learning TurkishOptions

Useful Expressions in Turkish

aynı zamanda (at the same time, also)
ayrıca (in addition, furthermore)
ayrıksız (with no exceptions)
bana kalırsa (as for me)
belki (maybe)
bile (even, even if, already, yet)
bile bile (on purpose, intentionally)
bir an önce (as soon as possible)
bir çırpıda (in no time, easily and quickly)
bir daha (once again)
boşuna (it is of no use, in vain)
böylelikle (in this manner)
bu arada (in the meantime)
buna rağmen (in spite of it)
bundan başka (besides)
bundan dolayı (consequently)
bütün dünyada (all over the world)
çoktan beri (a long time ago)
derhal (at once, immediately)
diğer taraftan (on the other hand)
eğer mümkünse (if possible)
en azından (at least)
en çok (at most)
er geç (sooner or later)
fark etmez (it is all the same)
galiba (probably, it looks like)
gelecekte (in the future)
gerekirse (if necessary)
git gide (gradually)
hemen hemen (almost)
her bakımdan (in every respect)
her halde (in any case)
her zaman (any time, every time, always)
her zamanki gibi (as usual)
hiç de değil (not at all)
ikisi de (both of them)
ilk kez olarak (for the first time)
ilk önce (first of all)
ilkin (at first)
işe yaramaz (good for nothing)
ister istemez (willy nilly)
kesinlikle (definitely, absolutely)
nihayet (at last)
nitekim (in fact, thus)
o halde (in this case)
o zaman (then)
o zamandan beri (since then, ever since)
olabilir (that maybe)
ona göre (according to that)
örneğin (i.e., for instance)
ortada (in the middle)
oy birliği ile (with one accord)
pek çok (too many)
pek fazla (too much)
sanki (as if, as though)
şartıyla (providing that, on condition that)
şimdilik (for the time being)
şimdiye kadar (up to now)
sırası gelmişken (by the way)
sonsuzca (for ever)
sonunda (at the end, in the long run)
şüphesiz (no doubt)
tabii (of course, To be sure)
tekrar (over again)
tersine (on the contrary)
uzun zamandan beri (long ago, since a long time)
yani (that is to say)