aynı zamanda (at the same time, also) |
ayrıca (in addition, furthermore) |
ayrıksız (with no exceptions) |
bana kalırsa (as for me) |
belki (maybe) |
bile (even, even if, already, yet) |
bile bile (on purpose, intentionally) |
bir an önce (as soon as possible) |
bir çırpıda (in no time, easily and quickly) |
bir daha (once again) |
boşuna (it is of no use, in vain) |
böylelikle (in this manner) |
bu arada (in the meantime) |
buna rağmen (in spite of it) |
bundan başka (besides) |
bundan dolayı (consequently) |
bütün dünyada (all over the world) |
çoktan beri (a long time ago) |
derhal (at once, immediately) |
diğer taraftan (on the other hand) |
eğer mümkünse (if possible) |
en azından (at least) |
en çok (at most) |
er geç (sooner or later) |
fark etmez (it is all the same) |
galiba (probably, it looks like) |
gelecekte (in the future) |
gerekirse (if necessary) |
git gide (gradually) |
hemen hemen (almost) |
her bakımdan (in every respect) |
her halde (in any case) |
her zaman (any time, every time, always) |
her zamanki gibi (as usual) |
hiç de değil (not at all) |
ikisi de (both of them) |
ilk kez olarak (for the first time) |
ilk önce (first of all) |
ilkin (at first) |
işe yaramaz (good for nothing) |
ister istemez (willy nilly) |
kesinlikle (definitely, absolutely) |
nihayet (at last) |
nitekim (in fact, thus) |
o halde (in this case) |
o zaman (then) |
o zamandan beri (since then, ever since) |
olabilir (that maybe) |
ona göre (according to that) |
örneğin (i.e., for instance) |
ortada (in the middle) |
oy birliği ile (with one accord) |
pek çok (too many) |
pek fazla (too much) |
sanki (as if, as though) |
şartıyla (providing that, on condition that) |
şimdilik (for the time being) |
şimdiye kadar (up to now) |
sırası gelmişken (by the way) |
sonsuzca (for ever) |
sonunda (at the end, in the long run) |
şüphesiz (no doubt) |
tabii (of course, To be sure) |
tekrar (over again) |
tersine (on the contrary) |
uzun zamandan beri (long ago, since a long time) |
yani (that is to say) |