e-Learning TurkishOptions

A few words about the website
This website was made for people who learn the Turkish language, either alone or with a teacher. Most often it is quite difficult to concentrate on all the grammatical rules and the special cases that are present in a foreign language, especially if it is one of the less commonly taught ones. The aim of this website is to clarify the difficult points and lead to faster acquisition of the Turkish language. We hope that you will enjoy it!

Pedagogical approach
Throughout the website, multiple learning strategies have been applied. The aim is to create an effective learning environment for Turkish language and grammar. Many concepts from various theories of learning have been put into practice.
- First of all, many drill and practice techniques and strategies have been applied throughout the website. These activities aim to assist the student at every step, leading to continuous progress. The material is split into small, clear units so the student can concentrate on one subject at a time. The students can go at their own pace and select their own subjects of interest within an organized and supportive curriculum of learning. Learner’s interest is kept undiminished because the software in the background can provide unlimited combinations of exercises. In every set of exercises, special care has been taken so that almost all different grammar cases and exceptions are examined. Feedback and help is constantly provided to students. The material designed in such a way that students will never feel the physical absence of a Turkish language teacher.
- There are also special educational activities that follow J. Piaget's cognitive development theory. Piaget believes that a generalized idea is usually based on experience or prior knowledge. In those activities, the students of Turkish language gradually build up their knowledge. Learning happens through experimentation. The student has access to multiple texts, rss feeds, videos, live radio and TV stations, from carefully selected sources. There are also modules which contain shared Turkish and Greek (author's origin) songs. In these modules, the student learns Turkish through the lyrics and an embedded dictionary.
- Finally, the embedded Facebook page, follows Vygotsky's ideas on collaborative learning. There the students can give and get help on Turkish language issues, ask questions and express their opinions. All the members can improve their language skills through collaborative work.

A few words about the author
Panagiotis Georgalas teaches computing in a high school in Athens, Greece. He is married and has two children. To learn more about the author visit: Panagiotis Georgalas - Home Page

A research paper
A research paper (in English) by P. Georgalas. It is about learning the Turkish language online through this website. It was published in 2012 in the Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE) of Anadolu Üniversitesi.

An interview about the website
An interview to Serkan Karatas for Kliknete - June 2011.

Special Dedications
Many thanks to:
a. Loris Koullapis, Cypriot Turkology professor who taught me Turkish.
b. John Guise from New Zealand for his help and corrections.