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Common Greek & Turkish proverbs (Atasözleri)

-Aç ayı oynamaz
-A hungry bear won't dance

-Allah korusun, tahtaya vur
-God save us, knock on the wood

-Ateş olmayan yerden duman çıkmaz
-There's no smoke without a fire

-Bana arkadaşını söyle, sana kim olduğunu söyleyeyim
-Tell me your friend and I 'll tell you who you are

-Bir koltuğa iki karpuz sığmaz
-One can't carry two watermelons under one armpit

-Can çıkmayınca huy çıkmaz
-First the soul is passing away and then the habit

-Dağ dağa kavuşmaz, insan insana kavuşur
-Mountains don't come together people do

-Damlaya damlaya göl olur
-Drop by drop the lake is filled

-Hatasiz Kul Olmaz
-You can't find a flawless human

-Havlayan köpek ısırmaz
-The dog that barks doesn't bite

-Horozu çok olan köyün sabahı geç olur
-In a village with many roosters morning will come late

-İyilik yap denize at
-Do a good action and throw it into the sea

-Kefenin cebi yok
-The shroud has no pockets

-Körle yatan şaşı kalkar
-Who sleeps with a blind gets up cross-eyed

-Meyveli ağaçı taşlarlar
-People throw stones at a fruitful tree

-Ne ekersen, onu biçersin
-You harvest what you sow

-Son gülen iyi güler
-Who laughs last, laughs the best

-Sürüden ayrılan koyunu kurt kapar
-A sheep separated from the flock is eaten by the wolf

-Tencere yuvarlanmış kapağını bulmuş
-The pan rolled and found its cap

-Vakit nakittir
-Time is money (cash)