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Titles and social classes in the Ottoman Empire.

sultantitle applied to the sultan, his wives or his children
padişahsovereign, monarch, sultan
hana title applied to the Ottoman sultans and certain other rulers
sadrazamprime minister (grand vizier)
vezirminister, vizier
paşaLord, governor of a large area
valiGovernor. The office entitled the holder to the personal title of Pasha
has odabaşıresponsible for sultan's room
şehzadeprince, sultan's son
valide sultanthe mother of a ruling Sultan
hasekifavorite odalisque at the harem
haseki sultanmother of a Prince
haseki kadınthe mother of a Sultan's daughter
kalfawoman supervisor of the harem
hatunwife, woman, lady
cariyefemale slave, odalisque
gedikli cariyemaid-in-waiting for the sultan
kızlar ağasıthe black eunuch in charge of the palace of the harem
kadıqadi, judge
seraskercommander of the army
kapudan paşaadmiral
binbaşıchief of a thousand
yeniçerithe Janissary corps, young soldiers
kaymakamofficial charged with governing a provincial district
beya title junior to Pasha and conferred on civil and military officers on a personal basis
çelebigentleman, sir
lalahigh-ranking teacher/servant who looked after a son of the sultan
dervişpoor, beggar
gavurnon muslim person
dönmesomeone who converted his faith to Islam
bostancıgardener of the palace

Some characteristic phrases from "Suleiman the Magnificent - Muhteşem Yüzyıl" TV series:
- Hünkarım! - Your Majesty! (addressing the sultan)
- Aslanım! - My lion! (A mother to her son)
- Destur. Sultan Süleyman Han hazretleri! - Move aside. His excellency Sultan Suleiman Han!