e-Learning TurkishOptions

Conjunctions and Prepositions as Keywords in Turkish Language

ama but, only, however, yet, really, truly
ancak but, only, however
ayrıca besides, furthermore, otherwise
bile even, even if
bu nedenle, bunun için because of this, therefore
bu yüzden, böylece because of this, so
buna rağmen nevertheless, despite that
çünkü nevertheless, despite that
dahil included
de, da and, also, too
demek, demek ki so, as a matter of fact
dolayı because of
fakat but, yet, however
gerek...gerekse both...and, whether...or
gibi like, as
hariç except, excluding
hem...hem (de) both...and
herhalde surely, certainly, in any case
ile with
ister...ister / isterse either...or, whether...or
madem, mademki since, as
meğerse It seems that, apparently
mesela, örneğin for example, e.g. (de) neither...nor
sanki as if
üstelik furthermore, in addition
ve and
veya or
ya...ya (da) either...or
yani namely, in other words, so
yeter ki as long as, provided that
yoksa otherwise, or
zaten already, anyway